
I help creative misfits turn towards aliveness and claim their own belonging so they can fearlessly transmute their dreams into impact.

I work best with clients who wish to investigate non-standard paths in life. If you’ve ever considered taking a step that doesn’t have obvious role models or a clearly defined route, I resonate!

I’ve struggled a lot to find “my way” amidst my commitments to family and society, and this work is my opportunity to offer folks a way to draw their own maps and see beyond binary thinking.

If you’d like to learn more, let’s have a conversation!

I’m looking forward to sharing presence, love, and joy with more of you! If you’re reading this and see a fit, I have been waiting for you ❤️

why would I explore coaching?

You can bring a variety of life experiences to coaching. Perhaps you are:

  • in a moment of transition or otherwise stuck
  • looking deeper at your personal values and what makes you tick
  • hoping to be more creative in problem solving or just for its own sake
  • anything else, really! The biggest prerequisite is curiosity

what happens in coaching?

Coaching is a shared exploration between a coach and client who have agreed to journey together. We’ll take some time to explore topics of interest and importance, and you, as the client, will provide most of the details. As the coach, my responsibility is to be curious, guide our process, and hold your agenda so we can make an impact on your life.

As a coach, I don’t give advice. Rather I partner with you to find clarity about your topic and its place in your larger life. I work with you as a whole person and hold sacred your ability to choose what happens. But at its best, my coaching is mischevious. We should be foraging together for raw material that makes life feel more vibrant and wonderful.

what happens outside of coaching?

We are both ultimately responsible for the strength of the coaching relationship. For you, this means learning more about how accountability to yourself impacts your presence and enjoyment of life.

For me, this means continually developing myself as a human being and coach. Some folks want an expert in their industry, or of executive leadership. I’m an expert in co-creating resilient relationships and acting from self-knowledge.

Arguably, the hardest work I do as a coach is on myself.